Device Details

From the Device Details view, you can see detailed device information, restart, rescan and run policies on a device.

Viewing Details for a Device

To view details for an individual device in your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices to view the list of devices for your organization.
  2. Hover over the Device Name of the device that you want to view details for. If a Custom Name has been created for this device, you will see that listed here.
  3. Click the name to open the details view for that device.

Restarting a Device

You can restart a device from the Automox console. Follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices to select the device that you want to restart.
  2. Hover over the Device Name and click to open the Device Details.
  3. Click Restart Device.
  4. A warning message appears that allows you to cancel or select Restart Device.

Scanning a Device

You can scan a device from the Automox console. Follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices and find the device that you want to scan.
  2. There are two ways to scan a device:
    • From the Devices page, select the device and click Actions → Scan.
    • Hover over the Device Name and click to open the Device Details page. Click Scan Device.
  3. A notification appears in the console that a scan request was sent.

Deleting a Device

You can delete (or remove) a device from the Automox console. Follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices to find the device that you want to delete.
  2. There are two ways to delete a device:
    • From the Devices page, select the device and click Actions → Remove.
    • Hover over the Device Name and click to open the Device Details page. Click Delete Device.
  3. A warning message appears that allows you to cancel or select Remove Device.
Note: If you remove a device that is offline, when it checks in again it will uninstall. The status will show as uninstall pending.

Device Details Fields

The following describes the fields in the Device Details view.


Info Fields



Permanent device name.

Custom Name

Name assigned to the device. You can edit this by typing directly into the field. Click Save Device to save any changes.

Exclude From Reports

This shows if this device has been marked as an exception and is therefore excluded from statistics, but is still monitored. To do this, switch the Exclude From Reports toggle on or off.

Note: Devices that are excluded from reports are not included in the outstanding patch count on the Dashboard page.

Exclude Remote Control Consent

Configure the consent required for remote control sessions.


This lists the group this device is assigned to. This can be modified from here.


This field lists Tags that are applied to this device. Tags can be added or edited here.

System Details

  • ID (Server ID number)
  • UUID (universally unique identifier)
  • FQDN (Fully qualified domain name.)
  • Serial Number (Serial number for this device.)
  • OS (OS version.)
  • CPU (CPU model of this device and clock speed.)
  • RAM (Size of system memory.)
  • Hard Disk (What kind of storage device is in use, its size, and the free space available.)

Automox Agent Version

The version of the Automox Agent installed on the device.

Last User Login

The login name of the user who logged into the Device.


  • Public IP (Public IP address of the device.)
  • Device (Name of the network device.)
  • MAC (Mac address for this device.)
  • Type (The type of interface.)
  • Private IP (IP address of the device.)

Active Directory - Organizational Unit

The active directory OU filter path, if configured.

Save Device

If you make changes in the Info section, such as Display Name, Group, or Tags, click the Save Device button to confirm.

Device Status

This shows the overall state of the device. This can be: initializing, needs restart, refreshing, or installing.

Connection Status

This shows if this device has checked in with the Automox API within the last two minutes.

Policy Status

The policy status of the device can be unmanaged, compliant, or non-compliant (which refers to a policy being scheduled or has failed).

Last System Scan

The time the device was last refreshed. Then the number of hours that have passed since that date and time. If the number is in red, it’s a sign that this device has not been scanned recently and it might be out-of-date. See Note* below.

Next Patch Window

The scheduled time for the next patch on this device.

Last Disconnected

The date and time that a device last disconnected from the platform.

Restart After Patch

This indicates if the device will be restarted after patching or when required.

Device Requires Restart

If the device needs to be restarted to complete patching, this shows Yes.

Note: The Last System Scan can periodically be out of sync until the scanning process completes. The timestamp is updated when a scan is initiated and when it ends.

Device Status

From the Device Details view, the device, connection, and policy status icons provide a quick status of the device. The following lists the status of a device and the description for that status.




This indicates that the device has successfully connected to Automox, but has not yet completed the first system scan.


This indicates that a patch is being installed.


The device is currently uninstalling software, per a policy.

Needs Restart

The device has installed patches or software that require a restart before installation can be fully completed.


This is shown when we restart a system due to patching or when the admin initiates a restart through the console.


The device is updating previously scanned software and hardware configurations or a worklet is being tested.


There is no command impacting the device.

Not Ready

This status is shown when the device is disconnected.


This status can indicate that a command is being run on the device or that a worklet is in the process of executing on the device.

Connection Status

The following lists the connection status of a device and the description for that status.

Connection Status



A Connected connection status indicates that the agent has checked in with the Automox API within the last two minutes.


If the Automox agent installed on a device hasn't checked into the Automox API within the last two minutes, the device's connection status is set to Disconnected.

Policy Status

The following lists the policy status and the description for that status.

Policy Status



This device has been added to Automox, but the group it is in does not have any policies assigned to it.


Policies with a status of Compliant have no scheduled updates or failed remediations.


Policies with a status of Non-Compliant are either scheduled or have failed remediation. While the definition of "remediation" can differ depending on the policy type, this generally means that the policy has failed to successfully install new patches and manual intervention may be required.


The Troubleshooting section of the Device Details page provides a quick method to check the compatibility of the device.




This section shows a check that runs when the page is loaded. If the device can connect to port 443, and an SSL connection to , the device is considered connected to the system. The status of the last scan is listed here. If the scan fails, review the connections before trying again.


After a device is connected, Automox runs a compatibility check to ensure that we can successfully manage the device. Each operating system has its own compatibility checklist. For more details about what is passing or failing on the compatibility check, click the Review Checklist link to view the Compatibility Checklist.

Compatibility Checklist

The checklist can show agent or connectivity issues.

Click Check Device to initiate a new scan of the device.

Note: The check is not a requirement for agent installation. For the example of Linux devices, if there is enough space to install updates, we will still attempt to install an update.

For more information, see Device is not Compatible.

Associated Policies

From the Associated Policies section of the device details page, you can quickly view which policies the device is assigned to and what the schedule is. From here you can manually start the policy run outside of the schedule or manage the policies of the default group.

Associated Policies


Policy Name

User-defined policy name

Update Schedule

This is the text description of when the policy will update.

Schedule Time

The time at which the policy is scheduled to execute.

Next Patch Window

The date and time for the next patch window for that policy.

Run On This Device

Click to immediately run the policy.

Important: This will run the policy for the selected device. This will have no effect on disconnected devices.

Note: You must confirm the action in the Run Policy window for it to proceed.

Manage Policies of the Default Group

Click the Manage Policies bar under the list of policies to manage which policies associated with the current group.

The following icons are used on the Device Details page.

Associated Policies Icons


The policy has no items pending to install. The policy will not run at next scheduled runtime.

The policy has items to install upon the next run (whether scheduled or manual).

The last time the policy ran, it encountered an error. Error information can be found in the activity log or needs attention reports. The status will be cleared upon a successful execution of the policy.

Software Associated with a Device

The software associated with an individual device is listed at the bottom of the Device Details page. From here you can search for specific software and carry out bulk actions on installed software.

Use the search box to find specific software that you want to take action on. This search is comparable to Enhanced Device Search, see Filtering and Searching on the Devices Page.

Column Name


Software Name

Name of the software associated with this device.


Status of the software on this device. Possible values: update available, installed

Current Version

Version of the software installed.

Latest Version

Version of the software that is available for installation.


This shows the CVE score severity level for the particular software package. When the severity is highlighted in blue, click to view the associated CVE.

Needs Restart

This shows if a restart is required for this software update.

Bulk Actions

You can select one or more software packages and select actions from the Bulk Actions drop-down menu.

See also Configuring Software on a Device.

  • Roll Back
  • Patch
  • Ignore
  • Defer
  • Use Global Settings

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