Managing Devices

From the Devices page, you can view your inventory, assign a device to a group, apply and remove tags, scan, restart, export details, and remove a device.

Viewing Device Inventory

The following information is available from the Devices page:

Table Column



This column shows details about any status associated with a device. For example, it can show the last time a patch was processed, if the device is up-to-date, if a patch is scheduled, and if the device has been excluded from reports.


This is the OS type of the device, either macOS, Windows, or Linux, which is depicted with an icon.

Device Name

This is the name that the device either assigns by default, or the name the user assigned to the individual device. Hover over the name of the device and click to open the detail view. See also Device Details.

Disconnect Time

The date and time that a device last disconnected from the platform. Note: Sort using this column, with the oldest at the top, to identify decommissioned devices. You can then remove the devices from the console.


The associated group membership is displayed here. See also Managing Groups.


Tags are optional. There is no character limit and no limit on the number of tags that can be applied to a device.

IP Address

IP address assigned to the device. Hover over an entry to show all associated addresses.

OS Version

OS version currently installed on the device.

Scheduled Patches

This shows if there are any scheduled patches for this device based on the patch policies.

Needs Attention

This column shows devices that have failed to patch for any reason. These devices might need manual intervention.

Device ID

This number is the same as the server ID.

Disconnected For

The amount of time the device has been disconnected in days.

Last User Login

The login name of the user who last logged in to the device. (Note: This is dependent on the last scan run on the device.)

Active Directory OU

The active directory organizational unit filter path, if configured.

Total Patches

This shows the total number of patches installed on the device.

Agent Version

This field indicates what version of the Automox agent is running on the device.
Note: This column will not show immediately for already existing devices. Use the Columns button to show the agent version for all devices.

Serial Number

This lists all serial numbers for the devices. This column is hidden by default.

Date Added

The date and time that the device was added. Hover over the text to view in UTC. This column is hidden by default.

Signing Certificate Status

This shows the status of certificates for the device.


The actions you can take on a device are the same as the Actions button above the table.

Showing All Columns of Data

The default setting of the Devices page does not show all available columns. You can show more data or rearrange how the columns are presented.

  • Click the Columns button and select the checkboxes to show or hide columns.
  • You can rearrange the order of the data by dragging the column names to the desired position.
  • To see columns that are not in view, use the scroll feature at the bottom of the table. You can use the arrows on your keyboard to scroll from left to right.

Actions Menu

The Actions menu allows you to take various actions on a device or group of devices. There are two ways the list of actions can be used.

  • From the Devices page, use the checkbox to select one or multiple devices and click Actions above the table. This allows for bulk actions.
  • Use the Actions column to apply these actions on an individual device. This requires that the Actions column is showing.

The individual actions that can be applied to a device or multiple devices are described in the following sections.

Assigning a Device to a Group

To assign a device or multiple devices to a group, follow these steps: (See also Managing Groups).

  1. From the Devices page, click the checkbox for the device(s) you want to assign to a group.
  2. Click Actions and select Assign To Group from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Assign to Group window, click the Group drop-down list and choose the desired group.
  4. Click Assign To Group.

Applying Tags in Bulk to Devices

It is possible to directly apply tags to devices from the Device Details page, however, that is only for one device. From the Devices page, you can now apply tags in bulk.

There is no character limit for a tag and no limit on the number of tags that can be applied to a device.

From the Devices → Actions menu, you can apply multiple tags to multiple devices using Apply Tags. You can also create new tags during this process. Follow these steps:

  1. From the Devices page, select the individual devices that you want to apply tags to.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Apply Tags.

  3. You can select a tag or tags that are listed in the Apply Tags window, or you can directly create new tags to be applied to the selected devices.
  4. Click Apply Tag.
  5. After you refresh the page, you can check the results on the Devices page. You can check by viewing the tags column and searching for any of the devices that this was applied to.

Removing Tags from Multiple Devices in Bulk

It is possible to directly remove tags from devices from the Device Details page, however, that is only for one device. You can now remove tags from multiple devices in bulk from the Devices page.

From the Actions menu, you can remove multiple tags from multiple devices using Remove Tags.

  1. From the Devices page, select the devices that you want to remove tags from.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Remove Tags.
  3. Select the tags that you want to remove from the selected devices. This removes the tags from being associated with the devices. This does not necessarily remove the tags from the organization.
  4. You can also remove all tags that have been assigned to a set of multiple devices. In the Remove Tags window, click the top checkbox to select all tags listed. Click Remove Tags. Then the selected devices will no tags associated with them.
  5. After you refresh the page, you can check the results on the Devices page. You can check by viewing the tags column and searching for any of the devices that this was applied to.

Scanning a Device

To scan a device, follow these steps:

  1. From the Devices page, click the checkbox for the device(s) you want to rescan.
  2. Click Actions and select Scan to scan the device. The request is sent and Automox retrieves the latest status of the device.

Restarting a Device

To restart a device, follow these steps:

  1. From the Devices page, click the checkbox for the device(s) you want to restart.
  2. Click Actions and select Restart.
  3. When the confirmation dialog window opens, click Restart device.

The request is sent and the devices are immediately restarted. This bypasses any user notifications.

Exporting Device Inventory

You can export data contained in the Device inventory for one or all devices.

Use the Export CSV button above the table to export data for all devices.

To export inventory data for an individual device, follow these steps:

  1. From the Devices page, click the checkbox for the device you want export data for.
  2. Click Actions and select Export from the drop-down menu.
    A CSV file is automatically downloaded to your computer.

Removing a Device

In order to remove a device from your Automox inventory, follow these steps. After removing a device, it is no longer managed by Automox. A removed device can be re-added by reinstalling the agent on that device.

  1. From the Devices page, click the checkbox for the device(s) you want to remove.
  2. Click Actionsand select Remove Device.
  3. Confirm the device removal in the Remove Devices dialog box.
  4. It is also possible to remove an individual device starting from the details page. See Device Details.
Note: If you remove a device that is offline, when it checks in again it will uninstall. The status will show as uninstall pending.

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