Enabling and Using Ask Otto by Automox

You can use Ask Otto, powered by Automox Otto AI, to write PowerShell and Bash scripts to be tested and plugged into Worklets. Contact your representative for more information about this feature.

  • Only available to customers who have Premium Support or Premium Support Plus services. For an overview about our support services, see https://www.automox.com/pricing.

  • You must have the required permissions to enable and use Ask Otto for a zone. See Roles and Permissions.

  • You should have experience with the scripting language being used.

Enabling Ask Otto

Follow these steps to enable Ask Otto for a zone.

Prerequisites: You must have the required permissions to perform this action. See Roles and Permissions.
  1. In the console, go to Manage → Policies → Create Policy.
  2. Select Worklet.
  3. In the Scope section, click the Otto icon.
  4. The first time you use Otto AI, you must read and accept the terms about using this feature.
  5. When Ask Otto is unlocked, you can start using the assisted writing tool to create scripts.

Using Ask Otto

When Ask Otto is enabled, you can interact with the assistant through the chat window. By entering prompts you can ask the assistant to write scripts for your worklets.

Note: You should be familiar with worklets before attempting to use the script assistant.
  1. Go to the Create Worklet page.
  2. Name the worklet and select the operating system.
  3. Associate the group or groups.
  4. Click the Otto icon in the Evaluation Code area. Verify the disclaimer to start your session.

  5. From the chat window, you can select What is a worklet? to learn more about worklets.
  6. Type a prompt in the text bar and press enter to submit your question. Ask Otto (the assistant) will write a script based on your question. Repeat your question as many times as needed until you are satisfied with the resulting script.
    Note: Do not submit sensitive or proprietary information.
  7. In this example we ask the assistant to write an evaluation script based on the following question:
    • “Can you write a windows worklet to change dns on a device?”

    • The returned script is captured in the main text editor.
  8. Next, you can use the assistant to write a remediation script.
  9. You can repeat the process until you are satisfied with the resulting scripts.
  10. Set a schedule.
  11. Click Create Policy to save your worklet.

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